1343. Bad substring


Find the number of strings of length n consisting of only the characters ‘a, ‘b and ‘c, not containing the substring ab.


Input. One integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 45).


Output. Print the number of required strings.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1





Sample input 2

Sample output 2






recurrent relation


Algorithm analysis

Let f(n) be the number of required strings of length n. If n = 1 we have 3 such strings, when n = 2 we have 8 strings:


Consider all possible ways to build the required strings. In the first position we can put one of three letters: ‘a’, ‘b’ orc’. If we first put borc’, then in the next n – 1 positions we can put any of f(n – 1) words. If we first put a’, then we need to consider the cases of placing the letters in the second position. If we place in the second position c’, then in the next n – 2 positions we can put any of f(n – 2) words. If we put in the second position a’, then similarly we need to consider the placement of letters in the third position.





We have a relation:

f(n) = 2f(n – 1) + f(n – 2) + f(n – 3) + … + f(1) + f(0) + 1

At the same time

f(n – 1) = 2f(n – 2) + f(n – 3) + f(n – 4) + … + f(1) + f(0) + 1,


f(n – 2) + f(n – 3) + f(n – 4) + … + f(1) + f(0) + 1 = f(n – 1) –  f(n – 2)

Substitute this sum in the first relation:

f(n) = 2f(n – 1) + f(n – 1) –  f(n – 2) = 3f(n – 1) –  f(n – 2)

So we get the recurrence relation:


Algorithm realization

The values of function f(i) will be stored in cells f[i].


#define MAX 46

long long f[MAX];


Calculate the values f(i) (0 ≤ iMAX) by the formula given in the algorithm analysis.


f[0] = 1; f[1] = 3;

for(i = 2; i < MAX; i++)

  f[i] = 3 * f[i-1] - f[i-2];


Read the input value n and print the result.





Realization with memorization


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define MAX 46


long long m[MAX];

int i, n;


long long f(int n)


  if (n == 0) return 1;

  if (n == 1) return 3;

  if (m[n] != -1) return m[n];

  return m[n] = 3 * f(n-1) - f(n-2);



int main(void)





  return 0;



Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    int n = con.nextInt();

    long f[] = new long[46];

    f[0] = 1; f[1] = 3;

    for(int i = 2; i < 46; i++)

      f[i] = 3 * f[i-1] - f[i-2];






Java realizationrecursion with memorization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  static long m[] = new long[46];


  static long f(int n)


    if (n == 0) return 1;

    if (n == 1) return 3;

    if (m[n] != -1) return m[n];

    return m[n] = 3 * f(n-1) - f(n-2);



  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    Arrays.fill(m, -1);

    int n = con.nextInt();






Python realization with a list


n = int(input())

res = [1,3]

for i in range(2,46):

  res += [3 * res[i-1] - res[i-2]]

print (res[n])


Python realization with memorization


res = {0:1,1:3}

def f(n):

  if not n in res:

    res[n] = 3*f(n-1) - f(n-2)

  return res[n]


n = int(input())
